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Coming up at FPC

Discover FPC and the community

a video project by the friends of FPC


We welcome ALL at first Presbyterian Church!

We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, or no habla Ingles. Whether you used to work on Wall Street, or if you used to sleep on Wall Street you’re welcome here. Maybe you can sing like Andrea Bocelli, or maybe you can’t carry a tune in a bucket – it doesn’t matter here! Come all who are “just browsing,” just woke up, or just got out of jail! If you are skinny as a rail or could afford to lose a few pounds, you’re welcome here. We welcome those over 60 but not grown up yet, and teenagers growing up too fast. We embrace those in recovery and also those who are still addicted. We will walk with you if you are going through a difficult time or when you need a special prayer: chances are we’ve been there too. If you don’t like “organized religion” or are “spiritual but not religious,” we love you. Even if you got lost and wound up here by accident we hope you feel at home here. We love soccer moms, crying babies, vegans, hipsters, seekers and doubters, tourists and locals… We mean it when we say, “ALL are welcome here!”

Our Core Values

Rooted in the Reformed Tradition and united in the worship of Jesus Christ, we are a congregation committed to:

Unconditional inclusivity - a celebration of the full diversity of the kingdom of God

The priesthood of all believers - that all members of the church are called to ministry to participate in, shape, and support the life of the church

Spiritual nourishment - rich and meaningful worship, education, and fellowship

Faith in action - responding to God’s call to compassion, justice, and human dignity in both the local and global community.


Join US!


Summer: 10:00 AM (7/2-9/3)

Fall-Spring: 10:45 AM (9/4-7/1)

Fellowship Hour - 12 noon

office hours

Tues 10:00 am - 3:oo pm

Wed 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thurs 10:00am- 3:00 pm

Fri 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


First Presbyterian Church is a place of refuge and sanctuary which is  open and available to the public free of charge. Our ministries of spiritual community, pastoral care, and service to the citizens of Hudson and beyond are only made possible by the generous contributions of our friends. Even if we never see you on Sunday, you can show your support with a financial contribution by clicking here: